Reliable fine screening with maximum separation efficiency

  • Maximum retention of fibres and hair
  • Operating reliability for membrane bioreactors
  • Maximum COD / BOD5 reduction rates

The HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID is available in different designs and suitable for numerous applications of solids-liquid separation. Depending on the specific application requirements the horizontal drum is covered with a mesh, wedge wire or perforated plate and is suitable for channel or tank installation.

Design and Function关闭

Design and Function

The characteristic feature of the HUBER Drum Screen LIQUID is its screen basket which is horizontally installed
in the channel or in a tank. The wastewater to be treated flows through the basket from inside to outside. Whilst the wastewater flows through the open front into the screen basket, solids are retained within the drum. A special sealing between the channel and the front-end screen basket opening prevents unscreened wastewater from passing through the screen basket.

The solids settling on the drum surface lead to gradual blinding of the surface. As a result, the water level upstream of the screen rises. When the predefined maximum water level has been reached, the screen basket starts to rotate  around its axis to clean its surface. At its crown a spray nozzle bar sprays water onto the drum surface from outside to remove the solids and flush them into a trough inside the drum basket from where the screenings are discharged by gravity.

Model variations关闭

Model variations

Drum Screen LIQUID ww: wedge wire

  • Wedge wire sizes 0.5 / 1 / 2 / 3 mm
  • Solids retention up to 10,000 m³/h per machine
  • Typical applications: Mechanical pretreatment on sewage treatment plants, industrial solids-liquid separation

Drum Screen LIQUID pp: perforated plate

  • Perforations 1.5 / 2 / 3 mm
  • High separation efficiency and retention of fibres and hair
  • Typical applications: Protection of membrane filtration plants

Drum Screen LIQUID star: folded perforated plate

  • Perforations 1 / 1.5 / 2 mm
  • Increased screen surface for higher throughputs, high separation efficiency and retention of fibres and hair
  • Typical applications: Protection of membrane filtration plants

Drum Screen LIQUID mesh: fine mesh fabric

  • Mesh sizes from 0.2 up to 0.75 mm
  • Maximum separation efficiency and reduction of COD and BOD by 20 – 40%
  • Typical applications: Load reduction in the preliminary treatment stage, replacement for primary settlement tank, sea and river outfall applications





  • 采用方形网格过滤,明确定义过滤界限
  • 水头损失很低
  • 通过机械方法降低COD/BOD最高可达 30%
  • 降低可过滤悬浮物质 (SS) 最高可达 60%
  • 根据应用场合,所有装置设备可以配置周期性强化清理设备 (120bar)
  • 通过投加沉淀剂和絮凝剂,可过滤悬浮物质 (SS) 可降低至 95 %
  • COD/BOD 浓度可降低至65 %,磷含量浓度可降低至 60 %
  • 全封闭结构,无臭气外泄
  • 过水处理能力很大






